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Assignment Three – Create a version of a

Assignment Three – Create a version of a Dutch still life

Still lifes included ‘Vanitas’ paintings as well as more traditional vases of flowers, arrangements of selected objects. Vanitas paintings take inanimate objects that have hidden significance and meaning. Commonly with moral and religious themes, different objects have different meanings. Often symbols of brevity of life, transience of wealth, death, piety and moral behaviour. Tate gallery: […]

Assignment Three – Prints for Sale

Assignment Three – Prints for Sale

Market/clientele:  17th century merchants Devotional/Religious Narrative Allegorical Dutch Landscapes Domestic interior scenes Still life (allegorical or otherwise) Portraits Historical/social factors: 17th Century Netherlands emerging from 80 years war with Spain. Large wealthy merchant class as country became a political and trading power. North protestant fighting against Spain. South staunchly Catholic. Not much spending on religious […]

Assignment Three – Exercise: Study some

Assignment Three – Exercise: Study some mythological subjects

Ancient mythological depictions are complex. They may be regarded as a means of making sense of the elements or occurrences that today may be explained by science (Apollo the sun god, Poseidon, god of the ocean). They may also represent versions of real events, sometimes elaborated upon, altered and embellished. Mythological art is also a […]

Assignment Three – Reflection

Assignment Three – Reflection

DOWNLOADABLE PDF VERSION Assignment Three – Renaissance to Rococo – Reflection During the course of my reading and through watching documentaries either on Sky Arts, BBC Arts or via online resource sites, I have taken my understanding of the key figures and features of the period beyond the set text. Being able to view […]